A large part of my job is now cruising the interwebs for cool/interesting/fun/wacky travel sites. Cool job I know.
What I began to notice was the absolute abundance of travel lists ie: 7 of the Smallest Hotels in the World, 9 Little Ways to Sock Away Travel Money, 11 types of foreign cheese, 89 ways to pack you underwear the list of lists goes on.......
As I like a trend and love jumping on the nearest bandwagon, I thought it would be appropriate to put together my top 5 travel sites of the week.
Fasten Seat Belts
They say: A light hearted guide to avoid misunderstandings while travelling. An innovative way to learn languages and pick up cultural tips.
I say: The site has lots of cool cartoon style episodes that educate you on the do’s & don’ts of a particular culture. It provides such pearls of wisdom as:
- In Portugal, it's impolite to tear paper in front of someone without excusing yourself.
- In India and Thailand Don’t compliment babies as it is believed it brings bad luck to the baby
Also has a cool Facebook interface that allows you to comment on each tip.
They say: Travellr.com is a Question and Answer (Q&A) site for travellers to get answers from locals who know. Travellr works by recommending questions in real-time to other members who are nearby and likely to know about the topic of interest.
I say: A cool, smart site that allows you to ask and respond to questions. Has a very strong sense of community that gives you confidence in the info provided. The site answers questions like:
- How can I get from Toulan to Grasse to see the perfume factory?
- Where is the best winter sun spot for Christmas/New year with a (very) limited budjet?
Gifts for Travelers: Gift Guide Round-Up
They say: we’re here to help with gift ideas for the traveler in your life. Whether he or she is setting off on a round-the-world trip, taking a career break, heading back to a favorite destination, or trying to fit travel into life with a new baby, we’ve got a gift idea sure to please.
I Say: As we well know Chrissy is just around the corner and we thought why not help you guys out with some tips for the traveller in your life? We like the way the break down the gifts to destination and budget.
How To Make Your Own Flavored Vodka
They say: There are countless options to choose from when it comes to vodka flavors. You can use any fruit, vegetable, herb, or even a strip of bacon as your own taste playground.
I say: Anyone that advocates making bacon flavoured vodka gets our vote!
The Indie travel Podcast
They say: The Indie Travel Podcast is the Best Travel Podcast, according to Lonely Planet. And although we disagree with them on some things, we’re not going to push back there.
I say: Lots of practical tips and how to guides and they don’t just do podcasts you find video, photos and articles. They have also just launched their very own travel Community.
Hope that tickled your fancy!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
A Simple Twitter Strategy
Hi, how are we all? That’s good. Wooo steady on, maybe a little too much information though.
I'm going to keep it short and sharp this week and let you in on a little secret. Not so much a secret in the literal definition. You will find that in the coming sentence. “Secrecy (also called clandestinity or furtiveness) is the practice of hiding information from certain individuals or groups, perhaps while sharing it with other individuals. That which is kept hidden is known as the secret.” I’m sure some of you will already know this and I haven't really kept anything secret from you. It just sounded right in the above context.
Over the last month my Twitter following has increased dramatically. It has made me feel a little cooler and given me way more cred on the streets. No one picks on me at the local milk bar anymore.
I thought I might tell you, how I think I may have achieved this. I am going to share with you my very simple strategy. If you can even call it that. Let us just call it "a sentence I say a lot in meeting's when I talk about social media".
Are you ready? Here goes.
“Add value and make people smile.” (Insert gasping noise here)
Your thoughts?
Since I have taken on this credo (Whenever I use this word I think of Apollo Creed from the Rocky films), things have really hit a tipping point for my good self.

Apollo Creed one Sexy Bastard
Add Value: Just try and add value to your followers. Provide them with useful, relevant, interesting and timely information
Make People Smile: I generally believe people take themselves to seriously. So, have some fun. Twitter is a great medium to conduct business, but also have a little fun and let your personality show through.
To make people smile I have recently taken to sending people who RT me or offer me something of value, a YouTube clip as a way of thanking them.
An example if you will:
Whenever I get a RT I will reply with something along the lines of; “Thanks for the RT You’re the best” and a link to the below Karate Kid Montage.
That wasn't as short or as sharp as I thought it would be.
I'm going to keep it short and sharp this week and let you in on a little secret. Not so much a secret in the literal definition. You will find that in the coming sentence. “Secrecy (also called clandestinity or furtiveness) is the practice of hiding information from certain individuals or groups, perhaps while sharing it with other individuals. That which is kept hidden is known as the secret.” I’m sure some of you will already know this and I haven't really kept anything secret from you. It just sounded right in the above context.
Over the last month my Twitter following has increased dramatically. It has made me feel a little cooler and given me way more cred on the streets. No one picks on me at the local milk bar anymore.
I thought I might tell you, how I think I may have achieved this. I am going to share with you my very simple strategy. If you can even call it that. Let us just call it "a sentence I say a lot in meeting's when I talk about social media".
Are you ready? Here goes.
“Add value and make people smile.” (Insert gasping noise here)
Your thoughts?
Since I have taken on this credo (Whenever I use this word I think of Apollo Creed from the Rocky films), things have really hit a tipping point for my good self.

Apollo Creed one Sexy Bastard
Add Value: Just try and add value to your followers. Provide them with useful, relevant, interesting and timely information
Make People Smile: I generally believe people take themselves to seriously. So, have some fun. Twitter is a great medium to conduct business, but also have a little fun and let your personality show through.
To make people smile I have recently taken to sending people who RT me or offer me something of value, a YouTube clip as a way of thanking them.
An example if you will:
Whenever I get a RT I will reply with something along the lines of; “Thanks for the RT You’re the best” and a link to the below Karate Kid Montage.
That wasn't as short or as sharp as I thought it would be.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Ford Social Media Guidelines. Not a Guideline for Your Life. But Close.
This is good! This is the Ford Social Media Guidelines! Simple. Good use of text boxes. No Gobbledygook (I haven't used that word since Yr 12 English.)
Ford Social Media Guidelines
Some points that I would like to point out:
1. The Internet remembers: Great title for a film. Surely we can get Wes Craven to direct. He must be sick of doing Scream by now?
2. Be honest about who your are: This is potentially awkward as only my mother knows this.
3. Use your common sense: The most elusive of all the senses.
4. Awareness that what you say is permanent: So don't do it drunk.
5. The Internet is a public place: Refer to point 4.
6. An official response may be needed: What like the cops?
Hope this is at least useful for you kids out there. Please advise below of any thoughts, changes, opinions or stock market tips?
Ford Social Media Guidelines
Some points that I would like to point out:
1. The Internet remembers: Great title for a film. Surely we can get Wes Craven to direct. He must be sick of doing Scream by now?
2. Be honest about who your are: This is potentially awkward as only my mother knows this.
3. Use your common sense: The most elusive of all the senses.
4. Awareness that what you say is permanent: So don't do it drunk.
5. The Internet is a public place: Refer to point 4.
6. An official response may be needed: What like the cops?
Hope this is at least useful for you kids out there. Please advise below of any thoughts, changes, opinions or stock market tips?
Friday, September 3, 2010
New Kids on the Block: #SMinOZ

So, there is a new kid on the block. (aahh I can now tick “using New Kids on the Block in my blog” off my bucket list) It operates under the name of #SMinOZ or its alter ego @SMinOZ.
Side Note: How cool is the above pic?
I’m lead to believe it started roughly over a week ago by a gentleman named Heath Evans follow him here or here or if you want over here.
In my opinion I think it is a great initiative and one that should be applauded. (Insert applause here) It’s great to have a place where we can share stories, network, promote, discuss, advertise jobs and connect with those of us who are in the same hood. By hood I mean Australia. And by Australia I mean the country and not the Nicole Kidman movie.
From what I have been able to gleam from my sources, (Said source being “What the Hashtag?”) I can tell you #SMinOZ is not only a hashtag but a “Collective of Australian -based folks interested in sharing social media resources."
Other unrelated things I initially thought it may have stood for:
- A nasal spray
- Steve Martin is coming to Australia
- Sminoz – a new word the kids are saying???
- Some form of rash
In just over a week there as already been 398 tweets and 177 contributors. (These figures may have changed or they may have not by the time I press publish). I myself have noticed a dramatic increase in followers since I started using the hashtag, which I’m led to believe is a good thing. Have you guys noticed any change?
The only downside to #SMinOZ to date is the number of RT’s that appear in the stream. It can almost come across as spam. I think the problem is that the number of contributors is still low compared to other hashtags. It should sort itself out over time. Feel free to shout me down if you disagree.
Some peeps I recommend following to date:
Follow them. DO IT. DO IT.
All aboard the #SMinOZ train or hover board.
Please check in next week when I attempt to work the Samurai Pizza Cats into my blog and tick them off my bucket list.
If you guys could please tell me below what your humble opinions are? Or at least tell who is going to win the GF?
Monday, August 16, 2010
What's in your Business Development Utility Belt?

Hypothetical. Just go with me on this one. Let’s just say im some form of Robin Hood, Batman or whatever character Russell Crowe is playing this year type of hero. But, instead of saving people and killings baddies my role is to Development Business.
Glamorous I know.
Now all these characters have a collection of weapon or tools. Batman has a utility Belt, Robin Hood had his Bow and Arrow, while Mr Crowe usually uses a phone or whatever comes to hand.
What I would like to know is, what would be your most valuable weapons/tools to put in your Business Development Utility Belt (or BDUB as I’d like to call it) to help you develop new business?
Here are my favourite tools:
We now have the power to publish relevant content and deliver it to an engaged audience. It is an excellent weapon to keep your network engaged and to build your following. Keep them up to date with industry news, tips and offers.
Cold Calling:
To borrow a quote from Anchorman “They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time.” These stats may not directly relate to cold calling. But, what I’m trying to say in a humorous fashion is, it really is a numbers game. It may not be the most glamorous part of the job. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Making those dials works.
I’m not sure how this one will actually fit into a belt, but it is the oldest trick in the book. And as it is a book it should fit nicely. You have to get your name and your face out there. Go to industry events, training, shindigs, basically anywhere you are going to be able to meet and greet those in your industry. Always have your business card on hand. You never know when these people might need your service.
Definitely the shiniest and newest weapon in your utility belt. It may scare off some of the old school types but it works, simple as that. Over the last 6 months we have ascertained a high number of leads by advertising on Adwords and ensuring that we rank highly in keyword searches. You have to go where your customers are and we all know that they are online and do their searching via Google.
With these tools in your BDUB you should be on the right path to drumming up and developing new business. However, I’m not so sure they will help you keep the Joker, Catwomen, the Sheriff of Nottingham and Russel Crowe at bay.
Please tell me below in the comment section what your most valuable tools are?
Monday, July 26, 2010
5 Steps to Cold Calling Success – My Friend AIDCA
When I first started doing Lead Generation calls I was confronted with the term, AIDCA. I was like is that the British RSPCA or something. My new boss frowned, looked down her nose over a pair of small specs and advised me that those 5 letters would help make me a lot of money.
So, what is AIDCA I hear you ask? In a nutshell or any shell for that matter, it is a basic sales principle. It is used in the business of lead generation/cold calling, it under pins what we do on each and every call.
AIDCA in its simplest form:
A – Attention: It’s simple you have to get their attention, sort of like a peacock with all those feathers, I hate birds but I always look at those feathers. So, lead with your USP, who you work with and what you do. Make the prospect stand up and listen.
I – Interest: Your prospect should answer the question “is it relevant to me”. Don’t stress if you loose them here as it is helping you qualify your leads. I suppose it’s like dating, I have gained there attention through my rugged good looks. Now I will aim to maintain their interest through my boyish charms.
D – Desire: For legal reasons I won’t go with a date analogy for this one. Here you are trying to get the person to desire/want what you are offering. What I like to do here is take what they have said during the discussion about their needs and link it to our offering.
C – Conviction: This is where I would unveil my USP in greater depth. Almost like a finishing move from Street Fighter. You have to convince your prospect that what you’re offering is worthwhile enough to take the next step and get on the dance floor.
A – Action: In my opinion this is the easiest part of the process and yet the most neglected. You have done all the hard work. You have earned the right to ask the prospect to meet, to provide a quote or ask what ever your end game is. The prospect will expect you to plan the next course of action as you have been leading the whole conversation to this point. Don’t hang up and wonder "what if".
If you implement the AIDCA process every call you make, it will mos def (most definitely) improve your strike rate and make you look real good in front of the boss, maybe not so much on that date though.
I later found out the acronym for the British RSPCA is the British RSPCA.
Please leave any of your tips, ideas or comments below.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Selleck Waterfall Sandwich

It's all in the name. Need I say more?
Some genius, where ever they are, has created a site that contains pics of our beloved Tom Selleck from a number of his award winning movies, mouth watering sandwich's and delightful waterfalls.
The one above is known quite simply as the Lamb Sandwich, beautiful really.
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