Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Beginning: Starting a Marketing Company from Scratch

The Intro: Ok so here it goes. As you maybe able to tell from my lame first sentence this is my first blog entry. (I have gone with the sub heading format after some help from problogger)

Name: Leigh Barnes

Age: 27

Location: Fitzroy

The Personal Life: Lover of Archie the wonder pup, sport (I am a very average amateur footballer and cricketer) and stuff that happens online. I have an unhealthy love of Solo and sambos.

The Deal: I am just starting my own business helping SME to market or larger organisations that can’t afford a full time marketing related type person. This Blog will document my rise and rise to mediocrity and then hopefully beyond said mediocrity.

The Day Job:
Business Development and Online Marketing for a Call Centre and Sales Software in Melbourne.

The Blog:
I will be posting the majority of work I complete here from strategy to video to pictures of me. If you think something I have done is good bad or otherwise. (like if
it is better then sex) Please tell me or spread the word.

The Early Adaptors:
drycleaning@work and Quirky Bubba are my first client's and in many
ways my guinea pig. As the name suggests they offer dry-cleaning at work in the Melbourne CBD, picking it up from your place of employment and then dropping it right back. Quirky Bubba is a online Baby goods site launching shortly.

The Idea: Is that I essentially I want you guys to come on a journey with me and see if I can make it and join in the fun. If you find this sort of thing fun, that is.

The Future: Follow drycleaning@work on Twitter for details on our launch.


  1. Wow Leigh, you have finally made it on the web. I'd like to pass on two quotes that may serve you inspiration in your journey.
    "We think too small, like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view." (Mao Tse-Tung)
    "Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."
    (Warren Buffett)
    Nah just kidding, i thought if i quoted Mao and Buffet it would annoy at least somebody.

  2. Thanks Dr. Stein. To date you have offended no one but yourself.
